Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery is the Latinx/Chicanx arts hub of Seattle

OCTOBER 30, 2020by  MARYROSE DENTON Walking up the city sidewalk in the White Center neighborhood, we stop outside the sandstone painted door of Nepantla Cultural Arts gallery, the hub for Latinx/Chicanx artwork in the Seattle area. Stepping inside, we find co-owners Jake Prendez and Judy Avitia Gonzalez re-arranging some newly arrived pieces to the current art... Continue Reading →

A Book Review: Found In Transition

A mother’s evolution during her child’s gender change Several weeks ago a public relations co-ordinator from New World Library contacted me through my publication, The Rainbow Affect, on Medium. In her email to me, she asked if I would kindly review a new book about to be released. She explained it is a story of a... Continue Reading →

Another Mercury Retrograde Has Begun

But there is no need to panic The world may feel like it has turned upside down these days, from our social crisis to climate change, to fake news, and an upcoming election on top of it all. Sometimes it all feels backward. The only thing worse? Another Mercury retrograde has begun. This happens to... Continue Reading →

Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Five types of spirits which may haunt places you go. Recently, a local publication assigned me to write a story on a historic hotel, built in 1889. But the focus of my story was not on the architecture or genealogy of the building. No, my angle honed in on the permanent residents of the hotel.... Continue Reading →

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